
How do you use digital tools to save on maintenance costs during industrial maintenance downtime?

Management of industrial maintenance costs is one key factor in ensuring the profitability of production facilities. Traditionally, maintenance costs are optimized through the relationship between corrective and preventive maintenance, where maintenance systems are utilized. With modern digital tools, it is possible to achieve significant additional savings, especially during maintenance downtime. Maintenance shutdowns often result in high costs, because advance maintenance and repairs have to be carried out. Optimizing what external contractors do is crucial, as all [...]

How do you use digital tools to save on maintenance costs during industrial maintenance downtime? Read More »

How do digital tools help move towards a more sustainable future? Read about 3 possible solutions.

The sustainable development target program set by the UN aims to eliminate extreme poverty and sustainable development, which takes the environment, economy and people into equal consideration. Goal number 9 is to build sustainable infrastructure and promote sustainable industry and innovation. By 2030, the goal is to renew industry and infrastructure in accordance with sustainable development, to increase the use of resources and to increase the use of clean and environmentally friendly technologies and

How do digital tools help move towards a more sustainable future? Read about 3 possible solutions. Read More »

Did you know that poor communication often increases the risk of accidents? Read how the situation is corrected.

Zero accidents is everyone's goal in working life, and achieving it requires the commitment of all personnel to the goal, as well as processes and methods that support safety. In industrial maintenance downtimes and troubleshooting, the flow of information is one of the most significant factors in ensuring work safety - and it can be improved with modern methods. Repairs and maintenance work involve ensuring the safety of the site. Work may not be started under any circumstances, if safety

Did you know that poor communication often increases the risk of accidents? Read how the situation is corrected. Read More »

No more accidents!

No more damage! The recent sad news in the media regarding work accidents made me think again about what we in Finnish industry and workplaces in general could do differently and better. In my own industrial career, which has already lasted more than thirty years, I myself have been a person in charge in organizations where serious work accidents have occurred. The worst and saddest accident in my working career happened in 1998, when I concretely got […]

No more accidents! Read More »

Is the digitalization of industry fast enough?

I stopped for a moment to think about communication technology, mobile technology and how significantly they have changed my everyday life at home, but especially in my work in the process industry. I start this story from the beginning of my studies in 1994. At that time, the use of e-mail on Unix machines was quite new. In 1996, at my summer job at a paper factory, foremen primarily used pagers and landlines to communicate information. E-mail already existed, but it was still not used much for information

Is the digitalization of industry fast enough? Read More »