How do you use digital tools to save on maintenance costs during industrial maintenance downtime?

Management of industrial maintenance costs is one key factor in ensuring the profitability of production facilities. Traditionally, maintenance costs are optimized through the relationship between repairs and preventive maintenance, where maintenance systems are utilized. With modern digital tools, it is possible to achieve significant additional savings, especially during maintenance downtime.

Maintenance shutdowns often result in high costs, because preventive maintenance and repairs have to be carried out. Optimizing what external contractors do is crucial, as any extra work hours add up to additional costs. Deviations from the planned work inevitably cause additional costs, and these deviations must be minimized.

However, in industries that do not have high production pressure (e.g. some energy production plants), unexpected cost spikes may occur due to work delays. Delays can be caused by poor preliminary preparation or the prolongation of previous work, which delays subsequent work phases. This causes additional costs when contractors have to wait for work to start.

If there is no active maintenance downtime management, a slow work pace can also stretch schedules and increase costs. The completion of the work is usually just an invoice, but without more detailed data on the work, it is really difficult to optimize the operation and identify possible areas for improvement.

Tool4pro has been developed to support real-time task and project management, and it can also be used to reduce maintenance costs. The key benefits of Tool4pro are:

Planning: You can see the entire work plan and the resources as well as the critical tasks easily.

Progress of tasks: The progress of tasks visible to everyone enables quick intervention in deviations.

Task dependencies: Workers can see the connections between jobs, which helps anticipate and prevent delays.

Summaries and snapshots: Various reports help to visualize the state of the entity and identify critical points.

Real-time communication: Enables quick response to problem situations and minimizes delays.

Data saved: The data of the operation is saved, so future maintenance can be developed and optimized with the help of the collected information.

Digital tools such as Tool4pro can truly achieve savings in maintenance costs, as projects are completed as planned, reducing additional costs. Maintenance cost savings are best achieved with the help of data, which enables continuous improvement of operations and increased efficiency.