Our story

Tool4pro story

The development of Tool4pro® is done by Fincet Ltd, a joint venture of three expert companies in the process industry, projects, measurement technology, and quality management: Finnos Ltd, Ceriffi Ltd, and Teollisuustaito Ltd. The software company Fincet Ltd focuses on industrial software and applications.

"Toolpro® was developed out of a need: easier tools must be available for industrial task and project management. Project management with traditional tools is quite chaotic." says Kare Lappalainen, one of Tool4pro's developers from Teollisuustaito Ltd. 

Tool4pro's development team brings together a wide range of experts, all of whom have long-term experience in the industry. Years of work in various positions in production facilities, equipment suppliers, and as consultants have brought extensive industrial experience. International work has continued to complement our expertise and experience.

Production plants have repeatedly events and projects that involve a lot of tasks and employees. Managing entities is challenging because a lot of information flows through different channels and between different parties. Lack of information or its delays increase the costs and workload. Occupational safety may also be impaired due to incomplete information. Task and project data management often involves a variety of spreadsheets and paper lists that are handled manually. Keeping up-to-date requires a lot of communication and reports. We found that the things mentioned could be done differently and more efficiently by using modern tools.

The development of digital devices and mobile networks has been significant. This development can also be seen in our daily lives. One example is the use of banking services and mobile payments, which are already commonplace. Easy-to-use mobile applications are available for many different needs. This development trend guided the development of the new application for industrial use. In working life, it is easier to introduce things if you have experience with them in everyday/private life. 

With the Tool4pro® application, industrial plants can earn more and reduce costs without sacrificing production. The application is designed specifically for mobile devices, so information travels everywhere as needed and is always available no matter where you are. Realtime and up-to-date information improve occupational safety. Thanks to the user-friendly interface, the use of the application is so smooth for most users that there very is little needs for training. This makes the change to a new way of working quick and easy.

Fincet Ltd helps companies of different sizes to be more successful through advanced task and project management. Our goal is to make the life of all employees easier: better task management reduces workloads and reduces stress. Our extensive industry expertise supports the deployment and use of Tool4pro®.

Fincet Ltd has been granted funding from European Union regional development fund for Tool4pro development project. Digitalization of industrial processes is development project for Tool4pro application. Aim is to develop application further to meet needs of different industries. Target is also to develop solution for international markets