Industrial companies have a lot of great technology and services, but investing in methods and tools related to work often gets less attention. This can be seen especially with office people / white-collar workers, because they too need tools that make work easier.
When investing in digitization, it is often acquiring a new system, but not all of system features are put into use. Therefore all benefits and potential offered by the new system remain partially unused. However, people are still using Excel etc. , even there are more cost efficient solutions for project management.
Discussion and investment in methods and tools that support working are often override by other investments. The reason for this is usually that nobody has time for that. The aim and purpose of the new tools is specifically to reduce the rush and make work easier.
It is worth investing in tools that develop methods of working for the following reasons.
• Working with advanced working methods saves time and energy. When work is under control, job satisfaction improves and stress decreases.
• Efficiency and productivity improve because new tools and methods of working speed up work performance and improve work quality.
• Learning new things supports professional development.
• Employees are more committed to companies where tools and working methods are good and easy.
Tool4pro® is a diamond tool for office people such as managers, engineers and supervisors. Contact us and we will tell you more.